Western Australia, here we come!

Scott-Free’s blog
Steve & Chris
Mon 30 Jan 2017 23:46

Monday 30th January 2017


After a very hot and sticky week in the boatyard, our plans are made for our trip to Western Australia.  And not before time really, as temperatures have been nudging 40 degrees Celsius here, and not looking to come down any time soon.


A relocation deal came up for 7 days, Melbourne to Perth.  We rang and asked for an extension to 9 days and they agreed.  So tomorrow we fly to Melbourne, pick up a car and drive to Pam’s.  Then I get to spend my birthday with one of my oldest friends, which I am really looking forward to.  Then early on the 2nd we pick up the camper van, drop off the hire car, provision up and off we go.


Our route will take us first to Adelaide, then across the Eyre Peninsula and on to the Nullarbor Plain.  Once we get to Norseman at the western end of the plain, we then have to decide whether to go north to Kalgoorlie and through the grain belt to Perth, or the more likely option will be to head south to Esperance, then Albany, then Margaret River and on to Perth.  Much will depend on how much time we have left once we get across the Nullarbor.


The only definite after that is the return of the camper van which must be done in Perth by 14:30 on Friday 10th February.  The rest we will decide when we get there.  So looking forward to seeing more of this great big country.