Suwarrow photos (1)

Scott-Free’s blog
Steve & Chris
Sun 13 Oct 2013 03:06

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The reef separating us from the ocean.                                                                  Anchorage Island, base of the Suwarrow Park Rangers


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Suwarrow ‘Yacht Club’                                                                                  Statue of Tom Neale who wrote a book about his experiences here.


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The only buildings in Suwarrow, on Anchorage Island.                                   The Book Exchange


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On Anchorage Island                                                                                                     Scott-Free at anchor in the lee of Anchorage Island.


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Harry & Charlie host a pot luck supper ashore.                                                   Coconut crabs cooking on the Barbie.


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Them crabs are BIG!                                                                                                       Charlie uses a piece of wood to break apart the cooked crabs.


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A feast of coconut crab.                                                                                                Steve bagged a claw – glad it’s not still alive!