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Customer Web Diaries
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- 1000knights
- 2boys
- 2oceans
- 5elementspro
- 7jfl
- aalstad
- abelhope
- abim
- accomplice
- acentanaro
- acoolturabi
- adamandsusie
- adele
- adonde
- adventure_iceland
- adventuress
- agp
- agreenlandstory
- agua
- ailsa1
- ajaya
- ajwanderlust
- akarana
- akibbon
- alady
- alalia
- alanandvicki
- alba6770
- albasat
- albicilla
- alcedo
- alex
- alfard
- aliana
- aliavita
- aliena
- alienkat
- alila
- alisdair
- alize
- alkira
- allan.juul.andersen
- allandooley
- allegra
- allegria
- allegro
- allone
- alloro
- almacantar
- almalibre
- alshaheen
- altea
- althea
- aluna
- amal
- amandlakulu
- amante
- amara
- amarante
- amateur
- amazinggrace
- amazonia-dream
- amberisle
- amberisle2
- ammichure
- amok
- amoress2
- amoret
- amputeesailor
- anahata
- anahi
- ananda
- anandaswan48
- anarchy
- anastasia
- andiamo
- andrewsharpe
- andrillot2
- andromeda
- andromeda903799
- anettine
- angel
- angelgonzalez
- aniara
- anika167
- anima
- anita
- anneke
- annged
- anoora
- anthonyrichards
- antikiraft
- anya
- apex
- apollonia
- applin
- aqua
- aqua2015
- aqualibra
- aqualuna
- aquamante
- aquila
- arabesque
- arafura
- aramis
- arbella
- arcarius
- archangel
- arctic-mummy
- argenaut
- arialegra
- ariana
- ariel
- aries
- arion
- arjc
- arkouda
- arkouda495
- armenistis
- arnamentia
- arnaudbertrand
- artaius
- arvi
- arwenofbosham
- asailbond
- aseel
- associate3
- asteroid
- astra
- astraofhamble
- atalaya93
- atlantechdive
- atlantic
- atlanticbuoys
- atlanticvets
- atlasshrugged
- attraversari
- audaciter
- aurelia
- aurelia43
- aurora_b
- aurorapolaris
- austin
- avalon
- avanti
- avida
- avocet
- avvsailor56
- awelina
- axel
- axelbusch
- axelwold
- ayacara
- ayeshaii
- babe
- babyblue
- baccus
- bahati
- bahia
- balance
- bali_hai
- ballerina
- balthazar
- bamarandi
- bamboozle
- bananawind
- bandido
- banyan
- barada
- bardeau
- barnaclepete
- baroness
- barracuda
- barryyelland
- basil70
- baybreeze
- bazo
- bb
- bdardy
- beaujolais
- beezneez
- belissima
- bellis
- bellone
- belmont
- beltana-ii
- benetsev
- bentlittle
- beoga
- beowulf
- bequiet2
- berbere
- berserk
- betsy
- beyar
- bgeuse
- bijou
- billandme
- billpeach
- binna
- blackdog
- blanshard
- bliss
- blissoflondon
- blondemoment
- blownaway
- blue-argolis
- blue-horizon
- blue-jeannie
- bluebeyond
- bluec
- bluedolphin
- blueelixir
- blueflyer
- bluefox
- bluehound
- blueiguana
- bluejade
- bluemagic
- bluemax
- bluenote
- blueraven
- blues
- bluesky
- bluetarn
- bmboehler
- boardingpass
- boatannie
- boathobos
- bob
- bobbejaan
- bogdan
- boheme
- bojangles
- boldexplorer
- bolton
- bombardino
- bonaire
- bonditram
- bonkers
- bootiger
- bootlegger
- boundless
- brainofpooh
- brainwave
- braveheartsy
- briansnail
- brigante
- brindabella
- brisa
- briseide
- britishbeagle
- britishsoldier
- brizo
- broadblue
- broadsword
- brottogram
- bruno.thomas
- bsi
- bubbles
- buesnel
- bumblebee
- bundeena
- burnadebt
- bushido
- bwone
- cabana
- cacanny
- cachalot
- caduceus
- cafeseerose
- caiman
- calblue
- calcamar
- calema
- caliso
- callidus
- calliope
- callisto
- calmeiro
- calypso
- caminata
- candida
- canopus
- cantilena
- cape
- capisce
- capraia
- caprea
- caramor
- carango
- carelbi
- carisma
- caritas
- carolina
- carpediem470
- carrick
- carrythemhome
- casamara
- caspara
- cassini
- cat-charters
- cat-man-do
- catacaos
- catmojo
- catou
- catryn
- cattitude
- cds
- cefnforhud
- ceilidhoflorne
- celador
- celox
- celsius
- cerys
- challenger2
- champlain
- chantelle
- chanticleer
- chantoosie
- charis
- chasamba
- chaser2
- cheekirafiki
- cheeky
- cheekymonkey
- chelone
- chili3
- chilli
- chillout
- chimaera
- chione
- chionia
- chiscos
- chloe
- chris.2.price
- chris.bates
- chrisadams
- chrisandjane
- chrisandsue
- christibbs
- churrasca
- clandestinoabordo
- clansman
- clarabella
- classifiedii
- claude.egloff
- claudiuswasmer
- clearlake2
- cleone
- coconut
- colemere
- colsman
- comanche.hb-pon
- commonsense
- compromise
- concerto
- cookielicious
- cooktownorchid
- coolibah
- coolrunnins
- coquelicot
- coraliv
- cordelia
- coruisk
- cowesinfinity
- creidne
- crewirene4
- crewuisgebeatha
- croque
- cruinneag
- cuatro
- curious
- da-capo
- daena
- dandelion
- danielle
- dany2
- dave_stanley
- davidtuson
- daw
- dawks
- dawnbreaker
- daydream
- dearloves
- decadance
- deepblue2013
- defyr
- delicia
- demo
- derekafloat
- derrickandali
- desi
- desi2
- desnot
- destination
- deucalion
- dexter411
- diablo
- diatonic
- dieswaene
- discoverymagic
- dolcevita
- doramac
- dory
- dprintz
- drclive
- dreamcatcher
- dreamon
- dreamtime.wanderer
- drifter
- duet
- dumia
- dumle
- duncanadrift
- dz
- eager
- eaulala
- ebogrand
- eclipse
- ecoverofskagen
- eddienic
- egon
- eh01
- elemiah
- eleonora
- elixir
- elizab
- elizabethd
- ellatrout3
- ellen
- ellinor
- ellisa
- elmo
- elmofeil
- eloro
- elvagabond
- elvismagic
- emblem
- emerald
- enchantee
- enchantress
- encore
- endlessone
- enezgreen
- enigma
- enja
- enjoylife
- ensuenos
- eowyn
- equation
- equinox_sailing
- equinox411
- erasmos
- eric
- ernestina
- escapada
- escapade
- escape
- escape45
- eskalope
- esper
- etoiledelune
- eupraxia
- evelynb
- everett
- excellence
- exehibitionist
- exocet
- expmail
- exuma
- fai.tira
- fairdos7
- falbala
- familyguma
- fannyfisher
- farawy
- farrgone
- farringtons
- fastrak
- fastrowwest
- fat-cat
- fatcat
- fatkat
- fawcett
- fb
- fdc_atlantic
- fearlessprojects
- felicia
- felicite
- fenella
- fenix
- festina.lente
- fettler
- fidelis
- fidelitas
- fin50050
- finefleur
- finneganswake
- finnrose
- firefly47
- fishlakechampion
- fishpie
- fiveislands
- fizz
- flamingolady
- flatearth
- fleck
- fleur
- flinns
- flow
- flyeroflorne
- flyingcloud
- followtheboat
- footloose
- forgetmeknot
- fortuitous
- fourseasons
- fourthdimensioniv
- foxylady
- frane2014
- frasersboat
- fred
- freedom2be
- freedom42
- freespirit
- freewheel
- freidig
- freinecke
- frenchkissv
- freydis
- fricke
- friskus
- frogbat
- fryd
- fuga
- gabian
- galatea
- gaviota
- gaysailorbill
- gbr9029
- gcwjones
- geewizz
- gemeaux
- gemini
- gemini1
- gemini2
- geoffbowler5
- geronimo
- gertha
- gertha4
- gghendo
- ghost
- gijima
- gillyb
- gingersninjas
- glaramie
- glatisant
- glennanfruns
- glenoverland
- goldbraid
- goldcrest
- goldenananda
- goldie
- golly
- goodcompany
- goonah
- gow
- grace
- grace2
- graham
- grandpha
- graptolite
- greatescape
- greatescape45
- greathuf
- gregal88
- gregpaine
- greylag
- griselda
- grog
- gryphon
- gs
- guardianspirit
- gull
- gulliver
- gundamain
- gus.davidson
- gwawr
- gwenhyfar
- gwscott
- gwylan
- h6e_drilling_rig
- hakims
- halcyon
- halcyon1929
- hallfamily
- hamblewarrior
- hamish.tait
- hamsi
- hansesailor
- happy
- happyhippie
- hastaluego
- haumana
- hebe
- hebeandi
- hecuba
- hedon
- heerenxvii
- hejira
- hellena2
- hellsbell
- hen3ry
- henrywood
- heol-braz
- heolbraz
- hibiscus
- hiltgund
- hollinsclough
- honeymooney
- hopco2
- horizonte
- hotstuff
- hovetoo
- howardsolone
- howfair
- hughandannie
- humphrey
- hvorforikke
- ian.rivers
- idarose
- ideasailing
- idm
- ifknotyknot
- igosailing
- ile-jeudi
- imagine
- imagineofplymouth
- inanna
- inci5or
- infanta
- infiniti
- inga
- innamorata
- innovation
- inshala
- intoafrica
- intotheblue
- intothebluenirvana
- intrepidofdover
- intsomi
- invictasreward
- iola
- ione
- irene4
- irenea
- ireneamzerzo
- ireneiii
- irie
- irini
- ironmaiden
- isabel
- iseult
- isis
- islanddancer
- islandwanderer
- issa
- itchycoo
- iw
- ixion
- jaba
- jacana
- jackamy
- jacktar
- jafam
- jafamiii
- jaldevi
- jammy.dodger
- jandamarra
- janinnsto
- jaomane
- jarek
- jarramas
- jason.grand.crew
- jaywalker
- jazz
- jbt
- jeannius
- jellina
- jen_mogens_juhl
- jen
- jenna
- jenny
- jfjelnset
- jigsaw
- jimandvalerie
- jimclayton
- jjmoon
- jjormerod
- jjrowing
- jk
- jogiwintersea
- johnquayle
- jollyroger
- jomay
- jon.longfield
- jorgeandromeda
- joy
- jp
- juakali
- juffa
- julseth
- juniper
- junipergb
- juno
- jusdoit5
- justatadd
- justineg
- justjoia
- k8kindred
- kachina
- kahia
- kaimin
- kaj_amelit
- kakanchik
- kalandia
- kalu3
- kanaloa
- kantara
- karacool
- karan
- karinya
- karmadaze
- kasuje
- katherine
- katy508
- kc10
- kc9fyh
- kealoha8
- kefford
- keiichi.iwasaki
- kelpie
- kenmontgomery
- kennethc
- keops
- ketoro
- kevinmillins
- killary
- kilomike
- kinabalu
- kincsem
- kingfisher
- kiriwina
- kirofbrixham
- kismet
- klauskool
- kleng
- knightime
- knotoncall
- kob342
- kokamo
- kokiri
- koko
- kotari
- krivicalo
- kulikovsky
- lacapitana
- lady.aquamarine
- lady
- ladyannila
- ladybe
- ladyc
- ladydrake
- ladyliv
- ladymariline
- ladyofavalon
- ladyrebel
- ladystardust
- lalunaii
- lampela.pekka
- lancer6
- lanchen
- langouste
- lapita
- laragh
- laroobaa
- lazydawn
- lazydays
- lbb
- lecure
- leeonjonjon
- leeonsea
- leeway
- legacy1
- legend
- leonella
- levoyagedepytheas
- lewistaylor
- liahona
- libeccio
- libertad
- libertas
- libertyatsea10
- lifeonpatchwork
- lila
- lilli_mae
- linbilan
- lionking
- lisamarie
- lisanne
- lisme
- littlepea
- littman
- lochmarin
- lone
- loomafyra
- lord_rank
- lotus
- louise
- loula
- lousill
- lovesail
- lowena2
- luca_mastrogiovanni
- luceyblue
- lucky
- lumache
- lunaquest38
- lupiclass40
- lupoalberto
- lush
- lynnrival
- m.carlile
- ma5645
- mabitwo
- mace
- macushla
- maegan825
- magbjer
- mageia
- maggy_v
- maggyv
- magic
- magicbus49
- magicfriday
- magicpelagic
- magis
- magix
- magneticattraction
- magnum
- magrathea
- maid
- maitai
- majic2
- malaika5
- malarkey
- maloo
- malot
- malua
- manali
- mandate
- manihi
- mantima
- mantra2
- marara
- marbles
- marelia
- marestail
- mariesofie
- marinara
- mariposa
- marita3
- mark_needler
- mark.jagger
- markwright
- marlene
- martin.reigrotzki
- maryjocrew
- masanoli
- masquerade
- massima
- mawari
- maxim
- mayflower
- maymio
- mbdunning
- mbhyw
- mblaquiere
- mbolo
- mdomeara
- mearra.nieida
- mehv4
- meitli
- meneldor
- mennem
- menofiron
- mercury-rising
- merlin
- meryon.bridges
- meteomail
- metsuyan
- mick.stewart
- mikado
- mikkelts
- milanoblanco
- millybrown
- mina2
- minerva
- minimaxi
- minka
- minniethemoocher
- minotslight
- missblue7570
- missbossy
- missmolly
- misterx
- mithril
- mithrilsv
- mlkk2
- mmsmm
- mnjanjeni
- mogens
- mojeka
- mojo
- mojo2
- mojomo
- mollihawksshadow
- monterey
- moonbeam
- moondance
- moondancer
- moondog
- moonraker
- moonshadow
- moonshadowstar
- moonshine
- moonshiner
- moonspray
- moonstone
- moonstruckiii
- moorglade
- morgengry
- morningsong
- mosaikk
- motu-iti
- moulinrouge
- mowglic40
- moxie
- moya
- mthepot
- mullo
- muskrat
- mustangsallycruising
- mustique
- mw
- mystic
- mystique
- myway
- n.fabbri
- najanivi
- nakesa
- nalukai
- namaste
- namaste54
- namaste7
- namihani
- nangfah
- nano
- natibou
- naughtynes
- navara
- navigo
- navillus
- navy
- neaptide
- necessity
- nectaris
- neila
- neki
- nemoyachting
- nenne
- nereida
- neroli
- newyacht
- nick.eve
- nickanddenisesailing
- nickgray
- nidne
- nigelsouthern
- night.owl
- nightsong
- nightstar
- nignorth
- nika
- nimbleape
- nimue
- nina
- ninaofsouthampton
- ningaloo
- njord
- noeluna
- nomadicstar
- nomansupport
- nordlys
- normangcarter
- normangthethird
- norse
- northernlight2
- northstar
- norway-oda
- norxl
- nostressopzee
- novacura
- novara
- nowcrew
- nowornot
- nusquama
- nutcracker
- nutmeg
- ny2sy
- nyaminyami
- nzcoolchange
- obenaddi
- oboe
- ocean-gem
- ocean-tramp
- oceanhobo
- oceanlady
- oceanpearl
- oceanrainbow
- oceanrival
- oceanscience
- octobermoon
- oda
- oda2017
- oddysea
- oldnick
- omoofaa
- ondeck
- ondina
- onepointzero
- onliberty
- oofledust
- oojah
- openblue
- oppdragtimeout
- or3639
- orchid
- oriole
- osare
- osprey
- ostrika
- ostryga
- otterii
- outer.rim
- outerlimits
- outrageous
- overbury
- owaissa
- owlscastle
- oyster_tangaroa
- oystermist
- oystermoon
- oysterreach
- p3
- p42
- pacificbliss
- pacificblisskids
- pacificmystic
- pacificrow2014
- palmayachts
- pamarzi
- pampero
- pampero1
- pampero2
- panatlantic
- pandai
- pandoragbg
- panulirus
- paradigmtest
- parati
- paraty
- pardela
- parmelia
- patience
- patsenoj
- pauamma
- paul.haresign
- paulbasford
- paulina4
- paultomlinson
- pavan
- pceribelli
- pe
- pearlofpersia
- peejay
- pegasos
- peikea
- pelagia
- pelekan
- pelerin
- penelope3
- penguin
- peregrina
- perle
- pernille
- persephone
- persevere
- peteburch223
- peterfab
- petersgray
- petilou
- petronella
- petrouchka2
- pgroshni
- philmay
- phoebeb
- phypers
- piamanzi
- picaro
- piccolo
- pigeaud
- pikorua
- piligrim
- pipedream
- pipistrelle
- pippi
- pippin
- pkboo
- plambeck
- planeterouge2
- playjam
- plearmar
- plindeque
- poespas
- polarbear
- ppariso
- premierflair
- princedekang
- priskavera
- progress
- promise
- providence
- psp2
- psyche
- puravida
- purplemist
- pwlansdale
- pyrjuakali
- pyxis
- pyxiscanada
- qbonomi
- qp
- quartermoon
- quatsino
- quesera
- quest
- questionablelogic
- quilombo
- quivira2
- r4e
- rabalder
- radical2011
- radical2012
- radical2013
- radical2016
- radical2021
- radical2022
- rafaela
- rafiki
- rainbow
- rala
- randb
- randscarter
- ranja
- raspa
- ravtrat
- raylah
- raylawry
- rduxfield
- realtime
- rebelt
- redarrow
- reddevil3
- redskies
- refola
- regina2
- rehua
- renegade
- reservoirdogs
- resolute695
- restless
- restless655
- rex1
- rfto
- rhapsode
- rhiann.marie
- rhumbrunner
- rich
- richardj.martin
- richardway50
- richbutterworth
- rightturn
- rik
- rikitea
- ringhorne
- riot
- ripple2
- ripples2
- rjreynolds
- roam
- roam2
- roaringforty
- robertjan
- roberto
- robin
- robvanolmen
- rockinghorse
- rodjones
- roflondon
- rogue
- rohkea
- romanocrew
- romeotango
- ron.westcott
- ron
- roryhamilton
- rorymcgouran
- rosea
- rosinis
- rosita
- roundabout
- roundbritain
- roundbritainexperience
- rowacrossthepond
- rowaurora
- rowers-ark
- rowroyalrow
- roxane
- roysterer
- rrykelyk
- rubicon
- rufflesspray
- rumpelteazer
- rumtruffle
- runargentina
- runningtide
- ruud
- rybka
- sadie
- sadko
- safari
- safena
- safesailing
- safiya
- sail.katyc
- sail.silverlining
- sailabout
- sailavie
- sailingaida
- sailingbritican
- sailingjack
- sailingonamzerzo
- sailingvita
- sailinlibertad
- sailwahoo
- sailzazen
- sakari.heyno
- sal_princess
- salamander
- salila
- salsa
- samantha
- samsam
- sandmhollis
- sandpiper
- sandycay
- sanspeur
- santaisabella
- saphir2
- sarabi
- sarah-grace
- sarahjames
- sarasa
- sarasvatiblog
- sattwa
- savarona
- sawdust
- sawsealady
- saxonblue
- saxton
- scandalizer2
- scarcity
- scarletribbon
- scathach
- scaviezel
- scherezade
- scherzo
- scorchofwessex
- scorpio2
- scotfree3
- scott-free
- sea_squared
- seacat
- seadream42
- seaduced
- seafarer
- seafever
- seafeverofcrinan
- seaflute
- seagem
- seakitten
- sealion
- seamist
- seamonster
- seanachai
- seanymph
- seaquene
- searenity
- seascape
- seaspine
- seaspray
- seatime
- seatopaz
- seawalk
- sejackson1
- selene
- september
- sequentia
- serafina
- serai
- seraphina
- seren
- serendipity
- serenity
- sevenoaks
- sfridy
- shakwe
- shalan
- shamal
- shangrila
- shaya.moya
- shekina
- shelduck
- shelena
- shenanigan
- shimalhawa
- shimna
- shiraz
- shoelessjourney
- siberiabike
- siempre
- silene
- silksheets
- silmaril
- silverslipper422
- simanderal
- simplybbq
- sinan
- siriros
- sirius1935
- sixsense
- sjarmen
- sjw
- skipper-grace
- skyclad
- skyeblue
- skyeiii
- sleipnir53
- slipstream
- smart.alec
- smiles
- smily4
- snap
- snellevliet
- snowleopard
- sob
- sol
- solbolla
- somnia
- sonar
- sonas2010
- sonsylass
- sookie54
- soulogav
- southall
- southernprincess
- southernstar
- southgatecj
- southisland
- southpolesolo
- soutpielsafari
- sovereign
- spalax
- spectra
- spellbinder
- spindrift
- spirit
- spiritofcatherine
- spiritofvenice
- splashtango
- splinter
- spray
- springgold2
- sputnik
- staana
- stamaria
- stamper
- starcharger
- starcross
- stardancer
- stardust
- stargazer
- staycalm
- stbarbara
- stealaway
- steffguma
- stellahr53
- steveinreigate
- stingo
- stormbreaker
- storyteller
- stravaig
- stravaig459
- stream
- stromboli
- strongbowofbosham
- stuffnstuff
- sueedale
- suerichard
- suffisant
- suilven
- sukanuk
- sulana
- sulasulaiii
- sulayacht
- sultano
- summersong
- summerwinds
- sunbeat3
- sundancer
- sundowner
- sundowner1
- sungsy63
- sunlady
- sunnyhill
- sunshine
- surfinncrew
- susanayu
- suzietoo
- sv.swift
- svalkira
- svbamboleiro
- svblackwattle
- sventerprise
- sveva
- svfreebird
- svharmonie
- svindira
- svjajabor
- svjenny
- svmagnum
- svmelos
- svmoonsong
- svpahto
- svseamonkey
- svsupertramp
- svten
- svtinydancer
- svzimbabalooba
- swan55
- swangemm
- swaraj
- sweetdreams
- swiftwing
- switzerland
- sy_hoyden14
- sy_roxy
- sy-damadenoche
- sy-hebe
- sy-oda
- sy-supertedv
- sy-tucanon
- sy.dreamcatcher
- sy.fulmaris
- sy.kurukulla
- sy.laloba
- sy.louanne
- syambra
- syanna
- syastrid
- syaurora
- sybreeze
- sycherie
- sydoris
- sydreamaway
- sydreamon
- syfreewheel
- syfryd
- syghost
- sygitana
- sygnal
- syhakunamatata
- syhighyield
- syjoy
- syladyshamrock
- sylanchen
- sylea
- sylph
- sylyra
- symary
- symatchmaker
- symissblue
- symphony
- symposium
- synijinsky
- syperroquet
- sypsyrax
- syquijote
- syrelentless
- syskye
- syspindrift
- systereo
- sysunboy
- sytheodora
- sytillymint
- sytinati
- sytugela
- tadserai
- taitai
- takeoff
- tal-lira
- talulah
- talulahruby111
- tamarisk
- tantrum
- tara
- taras
- tattavvinden
- teamheatwave
- teamhesco
- teamiledunord
- teamwadadli
- teapiti
- ted.manning24
- tehuelche
- tempest
- templars
- temptressofdown
- tenacity47
- tewaka
- thalassa
- thea
- theiaoflondon
- theodora
- thesnark
- thespeeds
- thetalulahs
- thewaterbabies
- theyukonblind
- thierry52
- thisbe
- thorvi
- threeships
- thursdayschild
- ticketeeboo
- tigerbalm
- tigerteam
- tikka
- tillymint.fortescue
- tim.vaughan
- timbennett
- time2
- timeandtide
- timeless
- tinkerbell
- tinman
- tioram
- titania
- tjaldur
- tl2010
- toma
- toman
- tommyv
- tomogilvie
- tony.gratton
- topaz
- toratur
- tosca
- touchofgrey
- toutazimut
- tranquila
- tranquilizer
- transat
- transat100
- trelorna
- tripled
- trippwire
- troutbridge
- troy
- truantofsark
- trueblue1
- tsurikov
- tucanon
- tucantango
- tunamoon
- twende
- twinga
- twizzle
- ugcxatlantic
- uhuru
- uisgebeatha
- ula
- ulisesdata
- umiak
- unwind
- vaares
- vagabondchula
- valentina
- valentine
- valery_tikhinya
- valsenmer
- vamosavela
- vaquero
- vascodagama
- vega
- veleiro.ephemeros
- ventus
- verbena
- vha2209
- vikinglord
- villvind
- vipmaritime
- viraro
- viridian
- vitaminsea
- volador
- volare
- volare42
- vulcanspirit
- w2n
- walkabout
- wall
- wanderingdragon
- wanderingdream
- wanderingstar1
- watergaw
- watermusic
- waywardwind
- weohgi
- westralia
- westwind
- weyve
- whatsnext
- whippersnapper
- whisper
- white.chocolate
- whiteegret
- whitemeadow
- whiterose
- whitesatin
- whyknot
- whynotrichardandtracey
- wildcarol
- wildfox
- wildsong
- wildwinter
- wilson
- windcharger
- windjammer3
- windsurf
- wingandaprayer
- winya_wynah
- wishanger2
- wizard
- wklein
- wolfhound
- worthysailingmojo
- x86
- xanaduvii
- xanthia
- xcinquemilian
- xenweg
- ximera
- yacana
- yacht_ariel
- yacht.fujin
- yachtalba
- yachtbalvenie
- yachtbandit
- yachtcacanny
- yachtcalliope
- yachtcecelia
- yachtchatti
- yachtchiscos
- yachtfizz
- yachtforeverfreedom
- yachtjuno
- yachtlarus
- yachtlydia
- yachtquovadis
- yachtratcatcher
- yachtsongster
- yachttomtom
- yachttruecolours
- yachtvamos
- yachtyanina
- yagiza
- yapa.aroundtheworld
- ydalir
- yellowdramaiv
- yellsound
- yoyounterwegs
- yr
- yuva
- zadahan
- zahara
- zarafina
- zebreak
- zepher
- zeus
- zipadedoda
- zoonie
- zulu
- zwig
- zython
- zz