Spinalonga Island, Crete

35.16.142N 25.43.457E After a few days rest we were ready to make the trip Spinalonga Island. The weather had other ideas. One of the squalls that came through on Monday. On Wednesday we were awake early, but so was the wind. As we were going in our dinghy we decided it would be too windy to go. The weather looked better on Thursday. On Thursday we were up early, this time a southerly wind which would help blow us to the island. We went to pick up Liz and Kevin (BLACK VELVET). We then dinghied to the Island. We found a spot to tie up Dragonet (our Dinghy), bought our entry ticket and headed for Dantes Gate. Spinalonga Island had a fort built on it in 1579. From 1903 – 1957 the island was a Leper colony. Dantes Gate. So called as the Lepers did not know what would happen to them at the other side of the tunnel. Once through the gate you arrive in quite a nice main street. This must have been some small relief to those arriving at the Leper colony. There are lots of houses. During the Ottoman rule of the island approximately 1100 people lived here. More of the Village …… and still more – it was very photogenic. Around the island they have found slabs of stone with outlines for games inscribed in them. Spinalonga board games – Draughts and Nine Mens Morris We enjoyed a walk around the island with relativly few people around. An interesting bark on a tree In the town it was easy to forget you were inside fortified walls. A bit further round, it was all fort. Anne was a bit too tall for this guard house. More of the fortifications View out to sea We wanted to walk up to the top of the hill but as we were close to the café we decided to have a drink before the walk uphill. While we were having our drinks more and more boats were arriving and disgourging more and more tourists. The boats – they were queing up to drop tourists off. Dragonet is just in front of the left hand boat by the pontoon We realised stopping for a drink was a bit of a mistake as there were now hundreds of people on the island. We perciviered and made our way to the top of the island. Who’s that romantic couple ! |