52:02.01N 01:09.10E Today we saw a rare sight in Stephen serviced the engine today under
the watchful eye of the chief engineer at the boat yard – no problems and
very informative. Anne checked off the first aid kit which arrived today –
why can’t medical things have easy names! Yesterday the water make was commissioned and
a few tweaks installed such as a limiter on the engine driven pump to protect
it. The other big news is that Stephen has
finally stopped working and handed over his laptop (technically he is still
employed until the end of August and on holiday at the moment). We have now
finished sorting our house out ready for rent. The cats are getting more curious,
exploring the cockpit, passing ducks, the engine room and most other places. We
need to install the netting around the boat or we will be practicing “cat
overboard procedures” sooner than planned! We now need to get the boat ready leave Koshka practicing being on watch |