Lagos -> Vilamoura
37:04.630N 8:07.268W At last we managed to untangle all the Velcro that was
holding us in Unfortunately despite being buffeted by the winds over the
last few days our cats have lost their sea legs and were both ill. As soon as
we stopped Yoyo was back to her normal self, exploring, looking to see if she
can leap across to the boat next door (it is too far for her). Update: As we speak, Yoyo has now jumped onto the
pontoon and is off exploring. The only hitch was that the marina access card was not
activated – this meant when I left the pontoon I could not get back in
– it was a really long walk to the marina office (around the lagoon).
However they did apologise and gave me a lift back on a tender. All the sunshine and fresh air has worn us out – it
will be early night tonight and exploration will have to wait until tomorrow. Coast near Vilamoura Vilamoura Marina |