37:06.612N 8:40.477W Yesterday evening we noticed the kitchen sink drain pump was
not working very efficiently. This morning it wouldn’t work at all –
and of course at the time with maximum washing up required after cooking for
our guests! So Stephen headed under the sink to find out what was wrong. Slowly
unclipping pipes to see if there was a blockage in the pipe or if the pump had
failed, it didn’t take too long to find out the pump had failed (impellor
was broken). In between following more pipes in the saloon area we had a
two pronged attack at the pump. Stephen fitting the replacement pump while Anne
started repairing the old one. As is the way with these things they never go
according to plan and take far longer than expected. Although the new pump was
identical to the old one, they had “upgraded” it and it now had
rubber mounting feet so it would not vibrate as much. A brilliant idea –
except it wouldn’t now fit in the same space as the old one. To cut a
long story short, it became obvious late in the afternoon we were not going to
get either pump installed and working – which meant yesterdays mountain
of washing up would not get washed. So we did the only sensible thing and
headed out into town for a meal out (a very rare event for us) Koshka had a quiet day sunbathing on deck as the inside of
the boat was in chaos. Meanwhile Yoyo was in her element as new bilge areas
opened for her to explore. We now have a new game to play; open a bilge area
and clean it before Yoyo cleans it with her fur. In our usual manner of embracing the local culture we went
to an Italian restaurant. It had been recommended to us and lived up to the recommendation.
We had a lovely meal, Pizza for Stephen and Salmon pasta for Anne (which must
have included most of a whole salmon), followed by a beautiful Chocolate mousse
to share. When we got home we watched a DVD. |