
36:08.940N 5:21.304W On Sunday the wind changed direction and we started “sailing
around” on our berth. After a quick trip to the shops we called it a day
and played with the cats, watched DVD’s, read books and generally hung on
waiting for the swells to die down. We ended up with another uncomfortable
night. On Monday the sun came out and all was perfect with life! Yoyo was full of the joys of spring, jumping onto the boat
next door (by going to the end of the netting and walking back along the
outside of the netting along the narrow toe rail to a narrow bit where she can
jump to the next boat). She has also discovered the paserelle. Bets are now
being taken as to when she will “walk the plank” onto land. Meanwhile Stephen & Anne jumped into action. Anne set
about (re)making the cover for the base of the mast. This time it was a perfect
fit. This helps protect the original cover from UV degradation as well as
improve the water proof of this vulnerable area. Stephen fitted new ends to the
spinnaker poles (remember outside Dover when he was left holding the pole
vertically as the end broke – Stephen still does!). We have also come up
with a solution (hopefully) of how to hold the end of the poles while not in
use. The stainless steel people are making either a) a really
useful stainless steel bracket that will be just right and perfect for the job b) an expensive
piece of “art” as it does not hold the spinnaker poles in place This evening David and Lisa on Gyatso arrived in Gibraltar
(we met them in Yoyo stares at the paserelle deciding when to cross Anne’s smart cover for the base of the mast, and
Stephen’s new spinnaker pole ends (they were changed at the top as well – not shown) |