
36:08.940N 5:21.304W This morning we woke up to the sound of the wind blowing
through the rigging once again. We took advantage of a break in the rain to fill
the water tanks and bail out the dingy. We had the Engineer on board again to complete the work on
the gear box and to fit the revised alternator pulley. He found some correct spare
seals and refitted the gearbox. We can’t test it until the alternator pulley
is fitted. He fitted the new pulley (version 1.1 - the correct diameter).
Immediately you could tell it was not correct – the belts did not line up
with the pulley in the engine. We called back the guy who made the pulley –
he was confused as he was sure he made it to the same spec (width between
belts) as the old pulley. It was then we reralised another reason why the old
pulley was wearing he belts out so much – it was wrong. We took the
decision to get another pulley made Version 2.0 – hopefully it should be
perfect. The first pulley we had made will make a nice (expensive) paperweight.
Meanwhile the wind kept blowing and getting stronger (it was
blowing a goof F6/7 occasionally 8). We even had a 43kn gust at one point. Stephen went off for a walk into town and to the supermarket
(cat food hunting). Anne stayed onboard to keep an eye on Wanda and read a
book. The rain then started once again. We had a quiet evening in waiting for our friend Nigel to
arrive. His plane was due at 7pm however due to the wind he was diverted to Koshka and Yoyo have spent the day sleeping, well what else
is there for a cat to do on a wet and windy Thursday! Photo taken from the top of the rock looking down at the
cable car (on a previous good weather day!) |