Marina di Ragusa: The Sicilian Countryside part 2

36.46.84N 14.32.74E Once again boat jobs are not really progressing. The weather has been a bit mixed. Some nice days, but rather more where it is either very windy or wet (or both). We did get out for a lovely morning around Ispica. Last time we went to Ispica the “Parco Forza” was closed and we only drove through the town, so we went back for another visit. We entered Ispica from the bottom road and had the beautiful view of one of the caves the town is famous for. One of the many Ispica caves. Luckily today the Parco Forza was open. We followed the signs to the ticket office, where we were warmly welcomed by a gaggle of women sheltering out of the wind in the ticket shed. We were invited in while one of the women enthusiastically told us about the Park as best she could in her limited English and our even more limited Italian . We were given numerous leaflets about the area, which luckily were in English. When we asked about the ticket price we were told it was free, even though there was a sign saying it was 2 euros each! The Park has the entrances to some of the caves the remains of a Palazzo and a church. Stephen taking a break out of the wind in one of the caves. In one of the caves they had put in picture windows and a door to make a small museum, unfortunately it was locked and we didn’t want to disturb the nice ladies in their warm hut. It did make us realise that with a covering over the front of the caves they could quite easily become quite cosy. The remains of the church. The almond blossom is just starting to come out. There are a few days that make it feel like spring!!! The Parco Forza is at the top of the canyon, this is the view toward the canyon. We then headed into town, hoping to find a coffee. The town looked pretty closed but there were some amazing churches and statues Chiesa dell’Annunziata La Chiesa Madre San Bartolomeo After failing to find somewhere nice for a coffee we drove back along the coast road to the marina. The journey home. Anne nearly got blown over when she got out of the car to take this picture. It was a bit windy |