Lagos: The Airport Run

37:06.612N 8:40.477W Alan & Nigel returned to the We picked them up from their apartment and set off to Faro. We
had a couple of stops at DIY stores for bits for the sink on the way. We
dropped them off at the airport with plenty of time to spare – they wanted
to get something to eat before the flight and also wanted to check out the duty
free shops, as this was the only way they would be able to get wine and port
back to the UK. Unfortunately the wine and port were higher than We went onto the Faro shopping centre for lunch and a quick
run round the Jumbo supermarket. We then drove back to Stephens idea of a quiet afternoon was fixing the kitchen
sink with the new bits he bought. Unfortunately he didn’t get all the
bits but was confident the old bits would screw together with the new bits.
Anyway we are now waiting for the Araldite to set to see if his hack works (for
those of you not use to plumbing, glue is definitely not a standard part of a professional
plumbers kit). Anyway he needs to find all the bits and redo it properly in the
near future – hopefully the quick fix will last until then. We then both had a quiet evening in with Pizza and DVD |