Punta de La Avanzada (Mallorca) -> Cala Son Saura (Menorca)
39.55.499N 3.53.574E Today we tried to leave at first light to head ever
eastwards. First problem was getting up. We aimed to leave at second light
instead! We then had a problem that our line to the mooring buoy had well and
truly got itself knotted up big time. As we were later than planned already, we
decided not to launch the dinghy and untie it but simply cut it loose. Part of
this decision was based on the fact the mooring line was old and replacing it
would not be a bad thing. Today’s sail was perfect. Little swell, and wind in a
perfect direction. We did put the engine on to use the water maker at the end
of the passage. We arrived at the planned anchorage by mid afternoon. This
place is idyllic - clear turquoise blue water. The water is so turquoise as we
were approaching Anne thought there was a flotilla of pale blue yachts in the
bay - it turned out to be the reflection of the water on white hulls.
This afternoon we have enjoyed the hot sunshine and a deserted bay (apart from
other boats). Another plus is the lack of jet skis and people towing inflatable
bits and generally causing a nuisance. We successfully set the anchor first time today although we
have ended out further than other boats – we haven’t got the art of
anchoring like sardines med style. It is a little exposed an swell is bobbing
us up and down a little – but with water this clear we’ll put up
with it. |