38.50.429N 0.07.131E Tuesday: We had a bit of a lie in after the excitement of the “Bous
de la mar” the night before. We then did a few jobs around the boat. We did have a major breakthrough today. We found the cause
of the leak in the engine room. We have been looking for this leak since we set
off. We have a faulty anti siphon valve on the seawater exhaust system. This means
the water is escaping through a small pipe. The pipe was laid neatly along the
edge of the engine room towards the aft of the boat and looked as if it was
part of the water system. We have now re-directed the pipe and need to buy a
replacement anti-siphon valve (we did try fixing the old one but it didn’t
want to be fixed) About midnight there was a firework display and then later
the live band started up. The band was actually very good. After a while we
realised we wouldn’t get to sleep and – we were deciding if we
should see the band. We decided not to – which was good as we would have
arrived there about the time the band stopped playing (4am) Wednesday: Flushed with the success of finding the leak on Tuesday, we carried
on doing various jobs around the boat in preparation for leaving Denia. Yes we
really are planning on leaving! Tonight it was another band – but they
weren’t as good so we weren’t tempted out - once again they stopped
about 4am. Thursday: We decided to go and visit Denia castle. We’ve been
meaning to go ever since we arrived. We were slightly disappointed. The castle
covers quite a large area and there are quite a few excavations but there was
very little information about each area and what information there was, was in
Spanish. We stopped in at our favorite cake shop for a cake and drink
before a quick visit to the supermarket and then back to the boat. It was a
disco tonight! All went quiet at 4am again. Friday: As there are no washing machines here we declared Friday “Washing
day”. We got out our portable washing machine and attacked our giant
washing pile. We got quite a good system going between the two of us and had
the washing done by 2pm. Luckily it was another hot day so the washing dries
really fast, as line space became our biggest bottle neck. We nearly went
this morning but decided not too – a week of late nights and not much
sleep due to the bands has finally taken its toll. We are not sure what the entertainment is tonight – although
we are confident it will be on again! |