Lagos: It's a Small World

37:06.612N 8:40.477W Once again we woke up to a damp grey day.
Anne started work on sewing projects while Stephen went off on various chores
around town. Signs that the world is small and we have
been in 1. Stephen met Tom our sailing instructor
who is here on holiday. 2. Walking back from the boat yard a
Portuguese woman (very attractive) said “hello do you remember me!”
It turned out she was the lady in the shop who sold Anne’s Crocs (shoes)
and in addition her husband works in the boat yard and Stephen had just been
talking to him about some Teak repair work! Anne has all the curtains and cockpit cushions cut out now.
Tomorrow I expect the sewing machine to be working flat out! This evening we had our neighbours from Amy Rose round for a
drink to say goodbye and then it was out to the South Bar for the Navigators
net social. It is slowly dawning on me how many people actually listen to the
net I broadcast (it’s a lot). We did meet an American couple who have
sailed through the |