52:02.01N 01:09.10E We can’t believe it’s been a
week since the last blog entry. We’ve been busy working 12 hour days doing
loads of jobs on the boat in preparation for setting off – at last the
end is now in sight!. Anne is now an expert in Spinlock clutches and can assemble
them blindfolded in her sleep J The cats have had their first experience
of “seeing the land move” as we motored up and down the river to
check the pitch of the propeller. Koshka went and hid in the forward shower and
Yoyo went and sat on the forepeak bunk. We’re not sure how they will take
to more movement while sailing – we’ll have to wait and see. They
did appear to settle down quickly once we were moored up again. Naturally the pitch on the propeller was wrong
so the boat needed lifting out of the water to change the pitch. One boat + two
cats who just got use the land moving left/right now see land moving up/down! The cats have settled in quite well and
have spent the last 3 evenings exploring the decks at dusk (including sticking
their heads over the edge to see what is down there). So far no splashes, we
think we need to credit them with more intelligence than we sometimes do as we
are sure they realise they are surrounded by water. |