Marina di Ragusa -> Syracuse: OMG We've Moved! The 2013 version.
37.03.457N 15.16.906E After weeks of keeping an eye on the weather and working hard to get Wanda ready for the season we were ready to go. The forecast looked good – we all would have preferred slightly calmer seas for our first sail of the season, but it looked like our best chance for a while. We were up early on Tuesday morning and made our final preparations for sailing. We left our berth reasonably well, thanks to help from our neighbours Peter & Annette(Two Loose) and Dan (KOA). Stephen started circling in the Marina basin, to give Anne time to stow the fenders and put the mooring lines away. We then hoisted the mizzen sail. We were considering hoisting the mainsail, but decided to do that out of the marina. We are still not quite sure what happened, but all of a sudden we found ourselves on the mooring line of one of the large yachts. When Stephen tried to use the engine to get us off we got a horrible shudder. Not wanting to get too tangled we stopped the engine. One of the marinaros tried to pull us off, but this did not work. We had to sit and wait for a diver to come and untangle us. Luckily the diver arrived fairly quickly and after just over an hour and 50 euros later, we were freed and on our way. The seas were a little lumpy, but not too bad. We had the wind nicely behind us. We soon had the mainsail up and the genoa out and we were off. It was a fairly uneventful sail. Yoyo was not happy at all, she never enjoys the first sail of the season, she tends to be rather seasick. We arrive in Syracuse bay about 19:30. The anchor set first time (well in that Syracuse mud it would be difficult not to). After a quick meal , it was an early night to bed. |