Ormos Navarinou, Pylos - > Methoni

36.48.934N 21.42.717E We decided we had been in Pylos bay for long enough and we needed some new scenery. Methoni is only 10nm away, the weather looked settled for a day or two, so off we went. We could see the fort from quite a distance and got some great views from the sea. Approaching Methoni Rounding the headland We were keen to get ashore as we thought the castle closed at 3pm (Anne has since re-read our guide book and realises that this is from October so we actually had much longer and did not need to rush) As we came into anchor we saw a Canadian boat and recognised it as Big Sky. We first met Con and Barb when we sailed down the Portuguese coast. We anchored in beautiful clear water. Anne could see Rocky (our Rochna anchor) hit the bottom and dig in and also the chain on the sandy bottom. This meant she could ensure she let the chain out in a line and not all piled up on itsef. Once we were happy we were anchored we got ready to go ashore. We passed by to see Con and Barb, who we found out had also just arrived and were off to see the fort. After a few wrong turns we found the fort entrance. Quite an impressive entrance over the moat We enjoyed wandering around admiring the views and the beautifully clear water Wandering Dragon is the tiny dot furthest away on the right. The obligatory ‘selfie’ . Quite tricky on our camera as we have no screen on the front so we have to guess how the shot is going to come out. More views from around the castle. The beautiful clear water. After a wander round the castle we had a drink with Con and Barb to catch up. We then went to the supermarket to get some fresh veg (it was siesta time so all the other shops were closed) and then back to Wanda. We had a quiet afternoon checking weather and planning our next move. Sunset over the Fort. |