Moraira -> Denia

38.50.429N 0.07.131E We spent most of Tuesday sorting the boat after our overnight
passage. Moraira is a lovely harbour – very peaceful but expensive. And
it had no wifi. And the showers were poor. We want to stay in this area to spend
some time with our friends Tom, Jude & their daughter Becky who had all
moved to the area last year. After ringing round the marinas in the area we
found a cheaper one and decided to move on Wednesday. In the evening we went out
for a meal with our friends. The above is true but this is the real reason we wanted to
move: In Moriara we were moored up against the harbour wall which was about the
same height as the boat. Both Koshka and Yoyo could easily get off the boat to
explore. Koshka (the now naughty cat) went straight for the sea wall and hid/walked
in between the cracks (it is made of large boulders). He disappeared for about
an hour exploring – we could hear rocks falling inside as he explored. We
were concerned for his safety in case he got stuck or injured. However he
reappeared happy as a cat can be and came back to the boat to sleep. After
dreaming of more exploring he made another dash outside, off the boat, and into
the cracks before we could stop him. He reappeared about 30 minutes later. We left bright and early Wednesday morning with no wind. We motored
the 16 miles to Denia. On the way we rounded Cabo de la Nao. Tom, Jude and
Becky live near here and wanted to see us sailing past. Unfortunately we timed
it rather badly, Becky was at school and Jude was baking a cake. Tom made it
and even managed to get a message to us that we should wave more. After much
waving we rounded the point and carried on our way to Denia. Koshka seemed very unhappy we were leaving and sulked most
of the day. We arrived in Denia at lunch time and were greeted by Tom & Jude
who had driven up the coast. We spent the afternoon sorting the boat out and unpacking
the boxes and letters that had arrived via the “Tom and Jude mail collection
Service”. This marina is good – it has wifi and the showers are
fantastic – the best we have come across anywhere. Entry is even via a
finger print recognition system! This evening naughty cat (Koshka) jumped ship to try to find
ways ashore. Naughty cats explore inside the sea wall Wandering Dragon taken from Cabo de la Nao Cabo de la Nao taken from Wandering Dragon |