Lagos: The Scrabble Police

37:06.612N 8:40.477W Today the bad weather really set in. Winds of 40+kn, driving
rain, then clear blue skies to lull you out into the open just before the black
thunderous clouds raced across the sky to drench you once more. In between
reading, we managed to visit the local chandlery for a few bits and the local
supermarket. This evening the Duck
man (aka Richard from Pyxis) came to visit Koshka and Yoyo. Tonight’s
treat was freshly cooked Chicken. Maybe we should call him Bird man. We are expecting the cats to move
along the pontoon and live on board Pyxis very soon. Unfortunately the Bird
man visit was just a cover for the Scrabble police to raid our boat. Karen, the
Chief of Scrabble police, found us practicing mid game. We desperately tried to
eat the dictionary, but to no avail. We await our punishment. |