Lagos: A no curtain day

37:06.612N 8:40.477W Today Anne’s shoulder was a bit stiff from all the
bending over cutting out and sewing so she decided no curtain work today. Bev gave us the recipe for her superb fudge yesterday
evening. Hence this morning we went to the supermarket and bought the required
ingredients. After much simmering over the stove, and chilling in the fridge,
we are now ready for the fudge pontoon party. We then belatedly fitted our smoke and carbon monoxide
alarms – we decided they wouldn’t work too well in their boxes. Later we wandered into town. We haven’t quite got the
hang of Portuguese opening hours so some of the shops hadn’t opened for
the afternoon (they open at 3pm). Anne wanted a pair of Croc shoes and the shop
was still closed. She managed to bribe Stephen into staying in town with an Ice
Cream. Anne is now the proud owner of a dark silver pair of Crocs complete with
penguin accessories. Whilst we were in town we wandered around some of the hotels
looking for places for people to stay at. Most seem to close for some of the
winter although one hotel offered to open up if we wanted to stay! On our way back we saw Karen and Richard in the Not wanting to be accused of spending all our time partying,
we went out for an “intellectual” evening to a seminar on weather
at sea and ways of finding the appropriate information from the internet or HF
radio. It was a really useful meeting and we made plenty of notes.
Unfortunately the meeting was held in a bar… |