Hammamet: Eau d'diesel
36.22.39N 10.32.69E Friday must be a better day. We started by going to the fuel
pontoon to fill up with diesel. We are now topped up and full. We came back
expecting a restful day however we spotted another flying cockroach. We spent the
rest of the day taking the boat apart and cleaning / spraying everything
hunting for the little “angels”. The life raft was returned and looked to be packed ok,
however we could hear the gas cylinder rattling inside (against the case??). We
have lost faith in the Tunisians servicing our life raft so we will have it
re-done in Finally we paid a much smaller fee than agreed to the not
very professional Tunisian company who had made a poor quality spray hood for
Wanda. It was a long tale, but in summary they ruined a good design by taking
short cuts to save a small amount of money. We have decided we can re-use the
stainless steel frame but will make our own spray hood this winter. Koshka was normal today (sleeping), not sick or showing any
other signs of diesel poisoning. In the evening he was exploring the deck,
eating well and generally happy. He still has that slight "eau
d'diesel” smell which is confusing Yoyo! On Saturday we continued with our jobs to prepare Wanda for
a longer passage (and to think we believed we could be ready for Thursday!). We
started the day early by walking to the beach. Although this sounds as though
Stephen was romancing Anne, in reality he was wave spotting to help with our
forecast! We carried on with the “odd” jobs; fitted the life raft
to the stern pulpit, cleaned the decks, filled with water, fitted the running
back stays and gibe preventers. It was hot and humid today hence even these
simple tasks were exhausting. |