Lagos - Koshka Explores!
37:06.612N 8:40.477W 08:00: Woke up from my nights sleep in the lounge. Crawled
under the quilt with mum and dad and let them cuddle me. I managed to keep them
in bed until 10am 10:00: Crawled from the bed back to the saloon for a quick
nap. 10:30 Woken up by dad who gave me some tuna. Yoyo then
barged in and stole all my tuna. Dad then threw me outside in the name of
“exercise”. Really, I’m already a lean mean sleeping machine.
He then went and did the washing and fetched some more tuna from the
supermarket. I went back inside to sleep. 11:00 Woke up ready for a full days activity. Mum had the
material out to make some curtains. Sorry, I couldn’t resist it – I
curled up on her new curtains for a quick nap. 13:00 Dad came back from the supermarket. Yoyo meowed like
mad and got me all excited that there was more tuna. Non appeared. Dad still
looked ill so I persuaded him to have a sleep in the afternoon. It worked well.
Even yoyo went to sleep. Unfortunately mum was still busy making curtains. One
day I’ll have total peace only interrupted by snores 17:00 Opened my eyes. I wonder if its time for tea yet? It
isn’t. Closed my eyes. 17:10 Tummy rumbled. Opened my eyes and walked the whole 6
feet to my feeding bowl. Ate. Walked the entire 6 feet back to the saloon to
get some sleep. I’ve only got short legs, so 6 feet is a long way. 17:40 Heard Mum and Dad calling Yoyo. Woke up and went to
find out what was going on. I even went up on deck on my own. I prefer to get
lifted by Mum or Dad, but I can jump perfectly well if I need to. Yoyo had
jumped onto the next door boat and was having a good sniff around. She was
happy, Mum and Dad weren’t. They wanted her back on Wanda. I went for a
walk around the deck - I can’t let my figure go!! 18:10 Dad was cooking so I thought I would investigate the
dinning table. Found a nice pile of grated Parmesan cheese. Not sure I’ve
had Parmesan before so thought I’d try a bit. Yum. Unfortunately Mum saw
me and pushed me off the table so I went back to sleep. 19:00 Woke up. Dad was on deck speaking to friend in the 19:45: Went to sleep for the night. Wow what an active
exciting day it has been. |