Cagliari: Yoyo and Koshka's New Years Eve Story

39.12.059N 9.07.504E Yoyo here – it’s my turn to blog today. First of
all a Happy New Year to all my readers. Koshka is sitting on the bed again. He swears blind it gets
lovely and extra warm sometimes, I don’t believe him as it never gets
warm while I’m sitting on it. Mum and Dad have mentioned an
“electric blanket”. I’m not sure what one of those is but
maybe that’s what gets Koshka warm. On Saturday 27th, dad went into town and bought
us another new heater. Now we can lie down on the saloon floor and have a
heater either side of us. It’s lovely and warm. We don’t have to go
and sleep with Mum and Dad to get warm now. We do go and sleep with them
sometimes – we don’t want them to feel unloved!! Tuesday was a fun day. Mum and Dad emptied out the forepeak
(bit at the front of the boat) to air it. It was a lovely warm sunny day. It
meant I could jump in and out of the front hatch. Explore the lockers and book
shelves and generally have fun. I was busy exploring all day. Koshka as usual
just slept – he doesn’t like change!! Wednesday 31st December was a quiet day but very
noisy in the evening. There were lots of bangs going on which Koshka and I
really didn’t like. Mum and Dad went out partying in the gazebo leaving
us home alone. They did come back later and we were very spooked. But they left
us once again saying they had to go and see the New Year in. Once they came
back we went and cuddled up to them in bed. We really don’t like the
bangs. The rest of the time not much has happened. The weather has
not been too bad – so at least Koshka and I can go out and explore the
boat next door. Yesterday Mum and Dad took down the Christmas tree. I had been
having lots of fun playing with the tree – knocking it over –
pulling the baubles off it and eating the Christmas cards. I’ll have to
find a new game now. |