Lagos: Cockpit Cushions V1.0

37:06.612N 8:40.477W Once again it was a warm sunny day. Stephen has his debut as the Net controller today. This is
the VHF channel 77 information call. Plenty of people joined in and Stephen did
a really good job, announcing all the events and reading the weather. He even
introduced a new feature, the Wandering Dragon Christmas Quiz. He plans to have
one question per broadcast to ensure everyone listens to all the broadcasts –
something about listener retention! Stephen has promised each question will be
more fiendish than the last one. A certain boat who shall remain nameless (lets
call it Pyxis for the sake of convenience), applied some signage to our boat labeling
us the “Net Group Operations Centre”. Hmmm this reminds me of
work just a little bit too much! After this Anne went into town to find a hairdresser. She
found an English lady and will be having her hair cut on Monday. Stephen
meanwhile has been running around the boat chasing Anne with the hair clippers and
scissors saying “I’ll love you no matter what you look like!” We then borrowed Richard and Karen’s hire car to go to
the DIY centre for a few bits and then to the supermarket to stock up on heavy
items (water, wine and cat litter!). Anne then continued on the Cockpit cushions making a few
design changes that involved more stitching on the sewing machine. Stephen went off to find the Orphanage to hand over the
Carol singing money. Portuguese bureaucracy meant he had to count all the money
in front of them so they could give him a receipt. Next time its notes only and
no coins! The final total was 270.13 euros. We photocopied the receipt and
placed it on the notice board with a thank you message to everyone in the
marina. We then had a quiet evening in once again playing Scrabble
and watching a DVD. I think we are ready for a rematch with Pyxis soon. Only
when we win can they leave Finally a picture of the curtains, one open and one closed. They are designed so no material hangs over the windows so
we can still get as much light in as possible. |