Cagliari: Anne's First Water Colour

Stephen & Anne
Sun 1 Mar 2009 15:02

39.12.059N 9.07.504E


In between all the festivals last week, life continued as usual.


The weather this week can best be described as unpredictable. We have had brilliant sunshine, cold nights, days of drizzle and unpredicted high winds that caused chaos as we tried to dry the washing (several pegs went for “a swim”, fortunately the clothes did not follow their example).


After cleaning the pipes and refurbishing the loo pump, we decided to relocate the loo pump to give us more space in the wardrobe. This is taking a lot longer than planned but should improve the use of space on the boat.


In the evenings we have practiced some more Scrabble (well Karen did win last time so we are clearly getting rusty), watched some DVDs, and had a curry night with the rest of the marina. We all bought along a curry and everyone tried each others curry’s.


On Sunday Anne decided to try her hand at water colours in the class run by Delores, another marina winter resident.



Anne’s first water colour.