Soller -> Punta de La Avanzada (Mallorca)

39.54.171N 3.06.202E We decided to leave Soller and head to the east of Mallorca
to keep moving east. Our first “challenge” was recovering the anchor,
which was lying rather close to (nearly underneath) a boat that arrived late
yesterday evening. A loud shout from Stephen got their attention and they
obligingly got in their dinghy and swung their boat round and out of our way.
With the anchor retrieved we set off out of the bay. We were heading east and
we had a good strong breeze – yes you’ve guessed it – from
the east. We bravely motored into the wind. It gradually eased and then later
in the afternoon it picked up again to be even stronger. We headed closer to
the coast as it was slightly less windy. We arrived in Punta de la Avanzanda about
5.30pm and were helped onto the mooring buoy by the helpful staff. This evening we had our meal with some wine and watched the
evenings entertainment. Tonight it was provided by a fire on board a motor
boat. Several boats went to help. It looked like an engine fire but about an
hour later they limped back to port under there own steam so it can’t
have been that bad, thankfully. Yoyo and Koshka finished off the last of the Pyxis chicken,
tomorrow its back to tinned tuna. Good news, Stephen found some more tins he
had hidden from Anne (she thinks he buys too much for the cats). We apologize to our readers about the lack of photos (before
the emails complaining come flooding in – although we do enjoy getting
emails). Being at anchor we don’t have very good access to internet. We
have been taking a few photo’s so we will put them on the blog when we
can. |