Cagliari: Land Lubbers R Us
39.12.194N 9.07.645E This week we’ve been living on land. We needed to
maintain Wanda’s bottom, so to speak. On Friday we spent the day trying to find an efficient
method of removing barnacles from the hull, in the end it came down to manual
effort of using a scrapper. To celebrate the removal of the barnacles we went
out for a meal to our favorite restaurant (no barnacles in the meal as we were
sick of them by this time!). On Saturday we cleaned the propeller, removed the old anodes
and cleaned the white part of the hull (it’s easier to do out of the
water). Saturday evening Luckily on Monday it rained, so we couldn’t work
outside (we desperately needed a rest from working on the hull). We used the
time to go to the DIY store to pick up some items we needed for getting Wanda
ready to go back in the water, and stocked up on some food. This week we serviced the seacock’s (took them apart
and re-greased them), t-cut, polished and waxed the other side of the hull and
the stern, polished the propeller (the idea is that the polish stops any sea
creatures growing on the propeller) and replaced the sealant in the bathroom
(as we can’t use the shower onboard while we are on land it was the best
time to do this job).
Wanda out of water
The shiny propeller and new anodes Yoyo and Koshka took a while to adjust to life on land again
as they are so use to being on the water. Friday was Yoyo’s birthday;
Bethany and Bryn gave Yoyo a card.
Yoyo appreciated the card and is now looking for a fishing
rod to catch tuna Technical section for the boys: The propeller folds flat when sailing to lower resistance,
and reverses the pitch of the blades when we are motoring forward or reverse to
increase control of the boat. Hence the complex gears inside the propeller need
to be kept greased. We used our new grease gun that squirts grease in at up to 9,000
psi (the instructions say to keep filling the propeller with grease until it oozes
out of all the joints in the propeller). |