Cagliari: Getting into Hot Water

39.12.065N 9.07.517E Well to be more precise – not getting into hot water. In our last blog a month ago we mentioned about our hot
water heater was faulty. We finally managed to track down the correct heating
element, thanks to Simon at Fox’s chandlery. While we were waiting for
that to arrive from the When the element was shipped from the When it finally arrived we spent the day connecting pipes to
the hot water tank. Lots of PTFE tape and plumbers gunky glue went on the
joints. At the end of the day we tested the joints only to find we had a leak.
The following day out came the tank again and we had another go. Once again we
had a slight weep on one of the joints. After 3 further attempts (that’s
3 more days of work) to get a non leaking hot water system, we decided our
plumbing can’t be that bad and maybe there was something wrong with the
tank. We decided it would be a good idea to test the tank. Our first tests we did onboard Wandering Dragon. However
after the indoor fountain incident Anne insisted all further tests were carried
out on the pontoon. Luckily the majority of the water hit the ceiling and went
onto the floor and into the bilges. The cushions stayed remarkably dry. The
outcome of the tests on the tank was that the cold water inlet pipe has a few
hairline cracks in it. After a slight panic we had really good news, another
yachtie had a stainless steel welding kit and offered to fix it. However the
hairline crack that was visible was caused by a lot of corrosion on the inside
of the pipe, hence the weld only highlighted even more cracks. The latest update is we now have some Loctite”Metal
magic steel” to try. If this doesn’t work it’s a new tank!!
We’ll let you know what happens in this ongoing saga. The hot water tank “plumbed up” and ready to
install ….. attempt number 1. Note the new element, blender valve and safety release valve
– it really is a work of art (actually at the moment that’s all it
is). While we were waiting for parts we got on with other
jobs. The cats had a trip to the vets for their Rabies injections. This was
nearly without incident. Now personally we think that if a vet has a fish tank
in the examination room that has cats then they are asking for trouble. Yoyo
found that trouble. Luckily she was in her basket so couldn’t cause any
damage. The vet thought it was very funny when Stephen picked up Yoyo’s
basket so she could see the fish a bit better. We have also spent a fair bit of time at the
dentist’s. Anne is beginning to think Stephen has a crush on his dentist!!
They are typical Italians, wearing designer medical overalls. Stephen says she
talks and giggles a lot while doing the work – sometimes having to stop
as her hands are not steady due to laughing so much! A few people have started to leave the marina. We had
a party the night before Ann &Kevin on Sailiaway were due to leave. At 7am
the whole marina got up early to say goodbye. Except that the weather forecast
had changed, hence the only sensible thing to do was to have a 7am party on
their boat instead (don’t worry the strongest drink we had was Coffee). As well as the Italian classes Anne attends (or as
Stephen calls them, the drinking class with an Italian problem), there was also
an active sewing club repairing / making lots of canvas work for boats. Anne & Stephen sewing (can you spot the glass of
wine) |