Ramsgate to Brighton

Stephen & Anne
Thu 6 Sep 2007 22:17

50:48.644N 00:06.218W


Take one helping of Dover Straights

Add 9 cross channel swimmers

Stir in 3 P&O Ferries

Gently blend with a ship towing a barge

Add a splash of a ship towing a pontoon

Add lashings of Sea France Ferries

And finally sprinkle one broken spinnaker pole


Rock gently on a slight sea in a Wandering Dragon for 3 hours


After we passed Dover everything else seemed quiet and boring….at least until we entered Brighton at night!


We scored 2/10 for style in leaving Ramsgate. No one could see our efforts in the dark at Brighton – unfortunately neither could we!


We are now docked safely for the night.


The cats survived ok-ish, Yoyo slept all the way and Koshka sat on the navigation seat all day. He popped up on deck to see Beachy head and then sneaked on deck again just as Anne was putting out the fenders…he was quickly dispatched below!


That’s all for today…tomorrow will be a quiet day exploring Brighton marina launderette!