Ramsgate to Brighton
50:48.644N 00:06.218W Take one helping of Dover Straights Add 9 cross channel swimmers Stir in 3 P&O Ferries Gently blend with a ship towing a barge Add a splash of a ship towing a pontoon Add lashings of Sea France Ferries And finally sprinkle one broken spinnaker pole Rock gently on a slight sea in a Wandering Dragon for 3
hours After we passed We scored 2/10 for style in leaving Ramsgate. No one could
see our efforts in the dark at Brighton – unfortunately neither could we! We are now docked safely for the night. The cats survived ok-ish, Yoyo slept all the way and Koshka sat
on the navigation seat all day. He popped up on deck to see That’s all for today…tomorrow will be a quiet
day exploring |