Cagliari: Wind & Rain
39.12.059N 9.07.504E The last week has been pretty horrible – the weather
has definitely taken a turn for the worse. We’ve had high winds from most
directions mainly accompanied by rain. On Monday Stephen went off shopping for a dehumidifier
(it’s been so wet!!). Unfortunately everyone else had already been to buy
their dehumidifiers and so the one we wanted was not in stock anywhere. Stephen
had an enjoyable afternoon on the bus trying to find one though, he even ended
up at the University after getting on the wrong bus!! On Tuesday Anne went with Stephen to choose a different
model dehumidifier. We were successful this time and came back with a very
stylish dehumidifier (well we are in The rest of the week we haven’t done much – the
weather really isn’t very nice. Yesterday (Saturday) we had the first normalish day for
about 2 weeks, normal winds and only a little rain – seemed like heaven
to us now. We put the sails up to dry them off and had a good chat to our
neighbour Sergio (he’s Italian if you’ve not guessed), and went for
a walk to the shops. Saturday evening there was a party in the club house. It
was the usual international buffet followed by music, dancing and a female /
Italian version of the game musical chairs (involving removing articles of
clothing from the men). Enough said. It did cheer us up after such a rotten
week. |