
36:24.900N 5:09.432W We are now officially in the med and the weather is hot hot
hot!!!!! We are now in the land of getting up early, staying up late and
sleeping during the day – in other words behaving like a cat. We got up and set off to explore Estepona. First stop was
tourist information for a map of the town and to find out what we should see
while we were here. (We are slowly learning the best way to do these things!)
Armed with a map which included a “tourist trail” we headed off. We
needed to go to the post office – which luckily was in the same direction
as the “tourist trail”. We then headed off on our tour of Estepona.
There were some pretty Plaza’s but there was nothing really exciting. Maybe
if we had a bit longer here to explore we’d find the interesting parts. On our way back to the boat we stopped at the supermarket.
We arrived back at the boat about 1pm – just the right time to start
siesta. We took it easy in the heat of the day and sorted out the post that had
arrived on Monday. This evening we washed the decks and did a few other jobs in
preparation for moving on. On our way here the boat speed was not working,
which meant we needed to check the log wheel. The log wheel is fitted through
the hull of the boat and so to check it we have to remove it and replace it
with a “dummy” fitting to stop the water flowing in. It is quite
scary removing it and seeing water flowing into the boat!! Anyway we gave it a
clean and removed the Gibraltan sea creature that appeared to have taken up
residence in it. All being well it will work fine next time we go sailing. We had a late meal (well late for us) and an early night. Estepona roof tops and the Clock tower, which was a minaret
on the Mosque when the town was under Arabic rule Estepona town hall