
38:41.606N 9:24.975W Today was a day of preparation to leave. We went for a final food shop and arranged a home delivery
without causing too much chaos at the checkout. Anne then focused on sorting out the inside of the boat
while Stephen did the exterior. He purchased new gas, stowed the tender for sailing,
and tried to fix, for the first time, the outboard on the pulpit instead of in the
lazarette so it would be easier to fit to the tender at the next port. Unfortunately
the fitting we purchased wasn’t large enough hence the outboard is back
in the lazzarette. Eagle eyed Anne spotted a screw that had come loose on the
boom, so we tightened that up. We have a temporary solution to stop the spinnaker
poles moving while sailing, but need to think of a more permanent solution when
we next stop. We also put some protective tape on the boom to slow down the
wear of the traveler – again we need to think of a more permanent solution. Today was washing day so we had the boat decorated with our
cloths while they dried J Mistletoe spent the evening with their engine in bits so we
had an evening of ice cream and port with Carl & T – very pleasant
indeed. |