
37.35.813N 0.58.799W Yesterday afternoon we started on the “tourist”
bit and set off round As we were quite tired from our overnight sail we headed
back to Wanda for an early night. Thursday morning we were up bright and early to get a load
of washing done before we headed out on the tourist trail once again. We went
to the roman amphitheatre but were very disappointed that we could not get very
far. We then realised there were two areas and for better views we needed to
get into the castle grounds. We decided a trip to tourist information was
required so off we headed. Just after we left the amphitheatre a lady accosted
us to go into what looked like an art gallery, she told us it was free, so we
headed in. It turned out that below the art gallery was the excavated remains
of the entrance to the amphitheatre along with the most beautiful mosaic floor
we have ever seen (unfortunately the photo’s didn’t come out). We
arrived at tourist information just in time for the 5 minute silence they were
having (we’re not sure what it was for) so after a short wait we got
another map and a better idea of the “not to miss” sites of After siesta we set off to find the castle (this time we
didn’t leave the boat until well after 5pm). We went up the lift to the
castle and took in the views including a submarine enter the bay. We then went
for a walk round town. After a beer by the marina we treated ourselves to an Italian
restaurant for dinner – yes we actually stayed out late to eat in The roman amphitheatre Roman amphitheatre from above War memorial in View of the countryside surrounding Cartagenafrom the docks |