Monastir (Port du Peche): Life on the Hard II
35.45.385N 10.50.197E After a restful Friday we carried on with the jobs on
Saturday all fresh and eager. After 5 minutes working in over 40 C, high
humidity and sweating like mad we had our first rest. To be fair the day was constructive. We changed the port
cockpit drain pipe which never really drained quickly and was very old and a
little brittle. After installing the new pipe we investigated why the old pipe
drained slowly – it contained three cigarette lighters dropped by
previous owners! We also serviced the engine room and galley seacocks and
prepared for some copper coat repair work we planned for Sunday. We have
decided the put more on the keel as a bit of rust is starting to appear and on
to the rudder as it had some water seeping out. As coppercoat is an epoxy and dries quickly at high
temperatures, we awoke at first light at 5am on Sunday to start work in as cool
conditions as possible. It was positively chilly early in the morning as it was
27 C J Even at this temperature we only
just managed to apply it before it went off. We also started servicing the aft
heads sea cock, before realising that the pipes and pump need cleaning /
servicing. This was another 5 minute job that took 2 days. Unfortunately Anne has started to come down with a cold over
the last few days which has slowed progress a lot as she clearly does more work
than Stephen. The locals didn’t like us playing Jenga with this boat
balanced on wooden blocks On Tuesday the winds turned northerly and the temperatures
dropped to around mid 30’s. Unfortunately they also brought lots of sand
so the boat is covered both inside and out. With Southerly winds, the highest
temperature we saw on the thermometer was 45 C. It does appear our choice seems
to be either getting sandblasted or roasted alive!!! The night watchman is a lovely man who is teaching us a lot
of Arabic. As he only speaks French or Arabic conversation is a little tricky,
but each evening when we are waiting for the shower he invites us over to sit
with him and have a chat. He is very patient trying to make sure we understand
him – although most of the time we don’t have a clue what
he’s saying J We managed to finish all the jobs by the end of Friday ready
for a launch on Saturday (anodes replaced, all sea cocks serviced, propeller
filled with grease, antifoul the brass skeg which is not copper coated, cleaned
the boat of most of the sand and even replaced the courtesy flag as it is worn
down far too much). On Saturday we were up early to prepare Wanda for launching.
After an hour or so preparation we were ready. So we sat and waited…..
and waited. We heard the crane start up about 10 am. It picked up a fishing
boat, launched the fishing boat, then stopped. What was happening? We
eventually found out it was “Lady’s Day” a public holiday and
the crane wasn’t “officially” working??? Launch date is now
Monday. To be fair to the owner of the boat yard, after hearing that a fishing
boat was launched he did offer late Saturday afternoon to ring up the crane
driver and get him to launch Wanda. However by this time we had
“reset” the boat for living and started a few more odd jobs so we
said Monday would be fine. The same crane lifts both small and large fishing boats! While the fishing boats are being fixed – so are the
nets. |