Bizerte: A Bit of Wind

37.16.422N 9.52.817E
The temperature has fallen, it is now a chilly 26C (and to think we were once hardy northern folk!). At one point water fell from the sky. It can’t be called rain as it fell all at once in about 15 seconds, then it completely stopped.
Due to the bad weather we have returned to winter activities
Anne bought out the sewing machine and did major repairs to the Italian courtesy flag. The red part is a little narrower now than it was but I’m sure the Italians won’t mind too much.
We had the gas bottle filled. It took 3 days to get it back. From what we could gather someone took it to Tunis (on a motor boat!) to refill it; still it only cost 15TD which is about half the price in Sardinia.
We also practiced the sport of mosquito zapping. We are pretty confident we can now make the Olympic team for 2012 as we were awake until 3am one night practicing. It’s a brutal sport where you get bitten and zap the little darling that did it. Repeat until no more mosquitoes want to play.
Most of the time we spent reading. It wasn’t possible to do too much as the boat was bobbing about on the mooring. We didn’t feel we could leave the boat to go off as the cats didn’t like the howling wind
While we have been here we have heard car horns blaring early evening. At first we thought Bizerte must have a football team and that they had won. After a few more occurrences we realised it was to celebrate a wedding. Apparently weddings are a very big deal here and last several days, the final day being a big party.