Bizerte: Ichkeul National Park

Stephen & Anne
Wed 17 Jun 2009 12:46
We left Dougga around lunch time as it started getting very hot and arrived back home late afternoon. We only had “fun” in one town where it was market day - on the only road through the town. We managed to somehow crawl through the crowds and escape.
On the way home, we stopped off at the Ichkeul national park. It has a large 90-120km square lake that is shallow brackish and is extremely salty. We managed to see some water buffalo but not much else as it was in the heat of the afternoon.
We arrived home around 4pm after driving around 550km. The cats seemed to have coped with a night alone; we had left out lots of water and apparently not enough food as it was all eaten!. They seemed happy to see us.
In the evening we had a few drinks aboard Malu Kai – they had just arrived today sailing 8 days non stop from Portugal (that was the bit that took us a whole year to do!).