37:24.88N 23:07.83E Kilada

Saturday 24th July, 2021.
Sad to see Kilada again after 10 weeks of lovely sailing in very quiet spots but due to Brexit Ariel has to come out of the water and we who have had our nearly 90 days have to leave Europe and won’t be able to visit her again this year.
We have seen some beautiful harbours and walked over some lovely islands during our time in Greece. We feel sorry that due to the pandemic so few English people are with their boats and the Greek restaurants and shops are desperate for trade. We feel lucky that we have experienced this summer the feeling of what it must have been like sailing forty years ago.
The yard was ready for us on the Monday and we had mostly all the jobs done with the sails stored, engine oil changed just to name a few of the jobs that need to be done to winter the boat.
We sailed a total of 571.22 miles this summer and enjoyed every minute of it.