43:12.69N 05:32.17E Cassis

43:12.69N 05:32.17E Cassis
Friday 28th May, 2010.
We left Frioul with spots of rain but no wind at all. A helicopter was practicing with the life boat in the big bay off Marseille. We had to motor along the coast past Ile Maire, Ile Jaron, Ile Jaire, Ile Calseraigne and Ile Riou. On the main land we passed Cal de Marseilleveyre on our way to the first Calanque we were going to stop in. Cal de Marseilleveyre and the surrounding area are very big cliffs with steep slopes with look outs from the very old days positioned on the corners. We couldn’t imagine this was the best tour of duty for any army personnel. We could only think they must have been taken out by boat and they had to climb the cliff to get to their posts.
Calanque de Sormiou where we stopped for coffee was very beautiful with a small village at the end. We saw 6 rock climbers at the entrance to the Calanque, walkers high above the Calanque and a photo session on the beach with several models all wading into the water for their turn with the photographer. Day trip boats came and went, not stopping just enjoying the views. There were several dive boats and a fabulous place to swimming for the water was so clear. We saw 2 cars and a small truck but they must have arrived by nanny goat track as there did not seem to be any roads as such.
We popped in and out of the following Calanques, Morgiou, Viau and Miou before arriving at Cassis.
Cassis is where the Cote d’Azur unofficially begins. It is 14 miles east of Marseille and the beginning of one of the most expensive stretches of coastline in Europe. The little marina is very expensive but also very, very small with at least 8 large boats for day trippers to visit the Calanques taking up a lot amount of space.
We anchored off the main beach outside of the yellow buoys. The sea temperature is improving at 21.4. Jim and I went ashore in the afternoon and the restaurants were packed with tourists who appeared to be in groups from Americans to Japanese but in the evening it was much quieter.
The town has a large selection of little tourist shops and ice-cream parlours and very quaint. Cassis is located in a deep bay backed by large mountains. The water temperature is improving now 21.4.