37:20.69N 23:19.58E Derrick Bay, Dhokos Island.

Ariel of Hamble
Jim and Valerie SHURVELL
Wed 15 Jul 2015 06:38

 Derrick Bay, Dhokos Island.


Monday 29th June, 2015.


We left the anchorage and we had the genoa out for a few minutes until we lost the wind and had to motor.  It didn't last long and the breeze came back and we had a lovely sail past Hydra before motoring into Derrick Bay for the night.  Drop the anchor and lines on the shore is the only way to stay in this little bay as everyone finds their space around the shore.


It is an island with approximately four little houses which could be just fishermen cottages but appear unused and three goats with the sound of lots of crickets.  We did hear some bats last night but didn’t see them. The anchorage was very still.


The water is beautiful and it is a wonderful place just to swim around and enjoy watching the fish below you. The temperature gauge showed 31.6 degrees.

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