37:25.54N 23:06.75E Koiladhia
27th June, 2013.
We left the quay and motored out of the channel past the lighthouse to head to Koiladhia for the night. I had been checking the water under the floor regularly and just outside the entrance to Spetses I did my first check. To my horror water was pouring in under the floor. Frank loves a puzzle and Jim is understandably worried about where this water is coming from. Frank and Sue’s bed was now in the saloon and all their possessions as well. I was on the helm while Jim and Frank investigated giving instructions on what they wanted me to do with the engine to see if they could discover where the water was coming from. Not the stern gland so it had to be somewhere else. Jim had checked both the back lockers for any water from the outside shower or the pipe which drains the gas locker but that was dry. After a few minutes it was discovered the water was leaking in from a joint on the water cooling exhaust pipe which must have been the problem on the two previous occasions. Jim tightened the joint and it has not leaked since. Why it leaked now and again we can’t understand but are very pleased the problem has been solved.
Once the emergency was over we were sailing on towards Koiladhia looking at the beautiful villas along the mainland coast. The new King of the Netherlands has a home somewhere on this stretch of headland. Once we rounded the headland of Thinni we turned into the first bay opposite a beautiful villa with its own small harbour and beach front for lunch and a swim. Gradually the afternoon breeze gathered strength and it was time to up anchor and sail across the bay and into Koiladhia.
We were luckily as there was a mooring buoy belonging to the boat yard free which had Ariel’s name on. We cooked on board and watched the sunset before going a shore in search of a cold beer and rose wine. The night on the buoy was very calm and quiet.