Problems are getting sorted slowly

Ariel of Hamble
Jim and Valerie SHURVELL
Mon 27 May 2013 08:21

Sunday, 26th May, 2013.


The engine battery proved to be a difficult problem as the boat yard found one which had to be ordered from their suppliers in Athens but it was a gel battery and not compatible with our other batteries.  We even considered hiring a car and driving across the mountains to Preveza to pick up a battery from Phil who transports them from England which would have been at least 8 hours driving.


Thursday’s weather was very windy and gusted all day and night so we were stuck on the buoy wandering what to do for the best. When the wind finally stopped on Friday we were pleased to have peace and quiet again after the constant howling and buoy watching during the night.  Jim took the dinghy and spoke to the boat yard again and they found us on the internet a car battery from the nearest local town which we decided was the best way forward at present due to the problems involved.  A white van man duly delivered it and thank goodness we have an engine which starts straight away again.


The spray hood needed a rivet, the main needed a stitch on one of the baton pockets but it is now Sunday and we are nearly finished all our little jobs for the new season.  The weather is beautiful today and according to the forecast is meant to be lovely for the rest of the week with very favourable winds for a little sailing.


We have met some nice people in the last few days and everyone has offered all sorts of advice but we hope we are now ready for this year’s adventure.


We have now spotted three turtles all different sizes swimming around the bay.  We think the local fisherman probably throw their unwanted catch in at the harbour wall which keeps them well fed.  There are about 8 ducks who seem to live along the shore who venture out to the boats for bread which we see now and again along with an unusually fish which appears to like circling Ariel which Jim has no idea what it is.  I am just off for a swim so I am hoping our fish is not hungry.

Monday 27th May, 2013.

The gusting wind blew all night but dropped once it started to get light.  A beautiful morning and we are hoping to move around to Porto Kheli for a change of scenery and to check the stern sill is working and we are not sinking otherwise we will be back here and be lifted.

Two turtles came to see us this morning which was nice.

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