38:37.36N 20:55.96E Kalamos

Ariel of Hamble
Jim and Valerie SHURVELL
Fri 2 Sep 2011 18:31
Monday, 29th August, 2011.
We cast off and left Fiskardho to sail across to Kalamos. On the way we spotted two large dolphins who came and played on the bow for a couple of minutes.
The 21 miles were mostly sailed until we came between the islands of Kastos and Kalamos and into the Stenon Kalamos channel. We pulled into George’s harbour and he was on the quay to help us as he likes to tell everyone where they can moor their boat as it gets very full up and he is happy to take the lines.
We met some Australians on a private charter with crew and spent a very pleasant evening eating and chatting with them. The evenings are warm and Jim recorded 34 degrees in the shade during the day and 23 degrees at night.