38:15.30N 20:38.78E Sami, Cephalonia.

Ariel of Hamble
Jim and Valerie SHURVELL
Mon 6 Aug 2012 06:55

Sami, Cephalonia.  Thursday, 2nd August, 2012.

We left Limeni around 9.30 a.m. for Sami in order to arrive when hopefully there had been some movement and others were vacating the quay.  Our timing was superb and we arrived and pulled into a space with Tricia and Clive managing to pull in a few boats away. We swam at the beach and shopped before we enjoyed port chop, new potatoes, carrots and green beans with Tricia’s special sauce on Ariel with pineapple and ice-cream for afters.

Jim has spotted a new ice-cream restaurant opening just by the quay so there will be no stopping him visiting these new premises!

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