39:33.623N 00:17.042W Puerto de Farnals, Valencia

39:33.623N 00:17.042W Puerto de Farnals, Valencia
21.9.09 49 miles sailed
We left Denia on a lovely but nearly windless day and therefore motor sailing was the order of the day. A few miles from the coast we picked up a hitch hiker, the little fellow flew in did a couple of circles and landed a settled on the man overboard throwing line. No it was not a bird it was a bat ! ! It was about 11am in the morning long after he should have gone to bed. After 26 miles we pulled into the lee of a small headland at Cullera at 39º 10.770N 00º13.347W and had a swim. We then decide to swim ashore and have an ice cream. After this we sailed on and the afternoon had produced some breeze and we sailed the next 10 miles quite fast with the spinnaker up, but as the sun started to set the breeze died and we motored the last few miles to Puerto de Farnals a marina about 6 miles to the North of Valencia. About 2-3 miles from the coast just as the sun went down,’Batty’ took off and left us and headed for the land.
Puerto de Farnals a quiet and very pleasant marina, with very helpful and friendly staff.
Our plan is to catch the bus in Valencia to explore the city, so more will follow.