38:18.06N 20:36.09E Ay Eufimia.

Ariel of Hamble
Jim and Valerie SHURVELL
Mon 6 Aug 2012 06:59

Ay Eufimia.  Friday, 3rd August, 2012.

The four bikes came out and we cycled to Ay Eufimia for lunch.  It is only about six miles each way up and down hill in the hot sun!  The road follows the coast line the whole way and it is lovely.  After a very reasonable lunch we cycled back along the same road and stopped at one of the 365 beaches on Cephalonia to swim.

It gave us another look at the quay and town and we were pleased to see it was quite empty and not as hectic as the last time we went there.  The scenery is just wonderful in part of the Ionian.

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