37:38.25N 23.09.57E Epidhavros

1st July, 2013.
After breakfast it was time to find another interesting place for Sue and Frank to experience while they are with us. They joined us in Poros so we decided it would be Aigina where they would go home from. One place not to miss is Epidhavros and the sunken city off the beach.
We motored out of Poros bay and out towards the Methana Peninsula and once past the large headland where we turned along the north corner the afternoon breeze came in and we were doing 7, 8 and 9 knots towards Epidhavros. Luckily, the breeze died slightly as we neared the entrance which you cannot see until quite close in. Sails down were the orders and Jim negotiated Ariel between the green and red brick built beacons marking the channel. No room on the quay as there are even more small fishing boats on the quay than last October so we anchored on the starboard side near the beach which is buoyed off.
We had a super dinner on board and once ready we went ashore for cold drinks. A bandstand had been erected and local people were practising their Greek dancing while many spectators like us looking on. We found a very attractive bar and sat for a while before heading along the little quay to the dinghy. We ran the risk of coming into contact with mosquitoes which seem to know new blood was in town. Luckily we only got bitten half a dozen times between us. We found a couple of people sleeping under thick blankets completely covered up on the quay. We did wonder if they managed to escape the mosquitoes! It was another lovely peaceful night on anchor.