
19th June, 2013.
Alison and Steve went on the Flying Cat Friday afternoon and it was sad to wave them off. We had had a fun week with a little of the unexpected. Neither of them had been to Greece before and I am sure they will be back as it is so beautiful. We had checked the weather in the UK and they knew it was going to be about 13 degrees and raining on Saturday. Thank goodness it was stayed warm here.
By Monday we had moved off the quay and anchored on the mainland side of Poros at Galatas to find Lidi’s for a few stores. The weather reports show wind of N6 to 7 so we decided it was safer to be swinging on the anchor rather than be banging up against the quay.
We had gusts all day yesterday and just before we went to bed we needed to move as our neighbour brought up some chain and was even closer to us which did not bring about the thought of a restful night. We moved further away from him but I still got up to check we were fine. Today there are gusts but nothing to serious so we can read our books and enjoy the entertainment of boats coming and going.
This morning the neighbour who made us move last night in the dark had to move himself as he was on top of a mooring when the mooring owner came back with his boat and asked him to move. Justice!