38:15.30N 20:38.78E Sami, Cephalonia.

Ariel of Hamble
Jim and Valerie SHURVELL
Fri 17 Aug 2012 18:18

38:15.30N   20:38.78E   Sami, Cephalonia.                  


Thursday, 16th August, 2012.


We sailed down the Meganissi Channel and out past the Arkoudhi Island and over to the north west corner of Ithaca before turning down the Stenon Ithakis channel between Cephalonia and Ithaca.  The sun was shining and the wind was favourable and we had a lovely journey to Sami dropping the main just outside the harbour wall.


We met up with the four couples we have seen throughout the summer and enjoyed a lovely meal at the Mermaid after drinks on Ariel.


Today we have swam, shopped and generally spent time with our friends.


Tomorrow we cross to the mainland and start our journey around the Peloponnisos.

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