40:04.08N 15:37.78E Sapri

40:04.08N 15:37.78E Sapri
Thursday 16.6.2011.
We left Agropoli and excited at a sea breeze as we headed out of the harbour we got the main up to find as soon as we passed the headland the sea breeze disappeared. We ended up motoring 46.06 miles to Sapri along some beautiful coast line. We had lunch and dinner as we motored along and just as we came into the anchorage at Sapri a display of fireworks from the harbour wall welcomed us. The sound vibrated around the mountains so it sounded like a jet roaring through.
We took the dinghy to the beach and had a walk around the shore area. Lots of people around, very unusual, a fun fair in town so we had ice-creams and rowed back to Ariel and turned the lights out at around 11.30. At 1.15 a.m. we were awaken to huge sounds of fireworks from the harbour wall. The display was wonderful and worthy of a mention. People were clapping from the shore when it finished. The anchorage otherwise was like glass and we had a wonderful still night.