48:00.31N 04: 32.87W SAINTE EVETTE

We spent the morning investigating Camaret-sur-Mer. The very pretty little town use to survive on the fishing fleeting bringing back to the harbour wall their catches but the little street shops behind the front main street are now all galleries for artists or sculptors. The main street is small restaurants in between normal family homes. The whole community now survives on holiday visitors. A great place for family holidays with small children as the area has four beaches and you could choose your beach in relation to the wind of the day.
Near the pontoons where we were situated was the tower overlooking the whole harbour which is being restored to its formal glory. Next door was the local church for fishermen which is open to the public.
We left by the mid day tide heading south as the weather had improved completely and no longer was the wind howling around the boats. The scenery on the journey around the bay of Camaret is very dramatic with wonderful cliffs, small bays which can only be reached by boat and very dangerous looking rocks which we stayed well clear of.
It took us nearly seven hours mostly by sail tacking in and out of the bay to reach the Raz de Sein the gateway to the south and sun. We passed by on our right the Ile de Sein an island inhabited and visited by holiday makers on the little ferry from Stainte Evette. The island consists of houses and fields and it has been known for the sea to cover the whole island. We can’t understand how the residents make a living or what the kids do once they grow up.
We are now anchored in the bay of Audierne at Stainte Evette just outside Audierne which is a seaside holiday area after clocking up 46 miles on today’s journey. We have enjoyed a wonderful meal of oysters and champayne sitting in the cockpit of Ariel for the first time on this trip enjoying the wonderful late evening sun not feeling cold for a change. The water is lapping the beach in the distance as the sun goes down.
Tomorrow it is more sailing to make up for the lost time when we could not move from Brest. We are hoping to make Lostudy or Benodet which is around the next head land.